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Showing posts from February, 2018

NEVER throw your old writing away.

This is a talk that examines creativity and education that I wrote circa 2012. I was a teacher, song writer and design graduate student at the time. How authenticity can get lost when money is involved.  The artistic process How many of you who make things recognize the following familiar questions from people-- and if you're not creative I would like to argue that you just haven't discovered your creative talent yet. Those of you who make stuff, (song or movie or painting or artisan customized bicycle or whatever) Show of hands if people ask you– “where did you get the idea for that?” Show of hands if people ask you, “how long did that take to make?” OR EVEN “how did you do it?” And that's a big one isn't it? People want to know about the process. I know a bunch of artists and programmers and metal workers and they have a hard time keeping track of their process. How much time went by? What was the journey of the project like? For me, whe