Twice in the last six months, I came across start-up companies that tout diversity as a PR tactic, but avoided paying me like the plague. So, actions speak louder than words. What if a company says they're about diversity, but they lowball their female employees, and try to fabricate a fake company team, using the images of women that they don't pay? This is what happened with Robobev / Infinifill at the start of this year. Or, like Radd3, break their promises to students and say off-record that they don't want to hire any more women, because "what it comes down to is that men have been working with hardware their whole lives." The owner at Radd3 had said he was all about diversity when I first came to the company, and that he wanted to "show the world that women and minorities can also use and work in technology." Below is an actual slide that was used to promote a team to potential applicants and investors... I designed it myself. Then, the other fem...