So, I'm a business owner. And the dialog has totally shifted: "Close the deal. Close the deal, and a contract should be coming your way. Close, close, close." Now that we know our value, how do we get other people to see it? Promotion, marketing, funneling, sales calls. The good news is that there's no need to do any other social media updates... for now. That's like creating content for free. How have I found clients in the past? Facebook. Connecting with people in the industry, chatting with them about their project, upcoming events. This week, I found a Facebook ad on a kid's toy, and decided to message them cold and try to sell a service. Something that's crucial to note... listen to them first. 80% of the dialog should be from them, but I introduce myself lightly. And it's not an intuitive formula-- because I still don't believe they realize why they need UX research. It's hard to explain that to someone who isn't in tech. It...
They say, "know your value" but what does that mean? Hopefully it doesn't mean comparing myself to a mule and selling myself?! Of course not. But how do you quantify your value? How do you know what kind of impact your work has made? I'm going to break down the following brilliant and on-point article into simpler, more approachable steps-- or habits or thought processes rather than steps. It's an excellent article, but there's a problem with it. It uses experienced corporate language to explain simple things, and this makes it unapproachable for recent grads, and those inexperienced with business and the corporate world. So-- let's begin de-coding. Research Your Market Value My value? Ew. I don't give anyone else the right to determine my value. This article is encouraging me to determine it for myself. I have to know how much money I want to make or someone is going to low-ball me. How do I know? People want to keep money in their own pockets...